Sixth Form FAQs

Below is a list of the most of the popular Sixth Form College FAQs. Further further information please contact us directly and we will be happy to help.

Why are the fees so much less compared to other sixth form colleges in London?

Unlike most (if not all other sixth form colleges in London), we firmly believe that high quality education should be affordable for all those hardworking parents that want to give their children the best academic support without having to over burden themselves. 

With tuition fees as much as 40% less, we’ve made it our mission to be market leaders in providing high quality affordable private education at GCSE and A levels

What is the Private Sixth Form College admissions criteria?

Enrolment primarily takes place in September but we do offer admission throughout the year for those students that have unique circumstances. All students are interviewed and assessed prior to acceptance. Admission to the Sixth form college is based on students’ attitudes, ambitions, and motivation.

What type students will I attend the Sixth Form College with?

The large majority of students at our private sixth form college are from the UK and the remainder come from a wide range of countries world-wide. Most students are under the age of 18 years and others that are under the age of 16 years. We also accept mature students looking to gain specific subject qualifications to further their careers, hence prospective students should not worry about there being a sixth form age limit.

All our courses are appropriate to the ages, aptitudes and language capabilities of students and enable all students to learn and make progress.

All our students speak English as their first language however our sixth form college holds a UKVI Tier 4 visa status for international students wishing to join us as well

What students’ Welfare, health and safety I you expect at the Independent Sixth Form College?

We take students’ welfare, including health and safety very seriously and maintain a good standard across our entire campus. We perform all the appropriate risk analyses for all activities both in and outside of the sixth form college. All fire regulations are met and accurate records are kept of all tests and maintenance. We ensure all our Sixth form College buildings are fit for purpose. Our private college is adequately decorated and maintained with cleanliness and hygiene always a priority. We maintain an excellent level of student registration and attendance records. Additionally, there are appropriate procedures in place if there are concerns regarding Tier 4 visa students.

All teaching staff undergo training in disclosure relating to child protection incidents. All teaching staff have completed the Prevent programme module.

What Pastoral care, Careers advice and University admissions can I expect at the Sixth Form College?

Pastoral care is excellent. London Brookes College runs a highly effective programme to coordinate personal and academic issues. Information regarding students progress is coordinated accurately and used to support the students effectively. All our students feel safe and happy at the college and appreciate the level of individual care and support they receive.

Effective careers advice is available and students receive good support in completing their university admissions procedures. Guest speakers are invited to speak to students to inform and motivate them to explore a variety of career goals.

Safeguarding arrangements are in place at our sixth form college with teaching staff having undergone all relevant training in safeguarding and Prevent. Our private college meets all national guidance requirements. Our policy is in place and known to staff and students. All staff, including the designated safeguarding lead (DSL), are appropriately trained and the training is up to date. The DLS is aware of the changes to the most recent national guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education as of August 2024, and the government’s proposed changes to local safeguarding provisions.

What can I expect when it comes to the Effectiveness of Governance, Leadership and Management at the sixth form College?

Our Independent Sixth Form College is rated good with respect to providing effectiveness of governance, leadership, and management by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). This means that we take good care in making sure the educational direction of the college is clear and shared accurately with all staff and students. Our management team ensures effective strategic planning occurs and that priorities are identified and met.

Quality assurance practices are in place and use both student feedback and staff appraisals to accurately identify areas for improvement and to deal effectively with these. Staff recruitment is rigorous and all pre-employment checks are carried out to confirm identity and right to work in the UK prior to confirmation of the appointment of staff. All appropriate staff have a current Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to confirm their suitability to work with students under 18 years.

What is the Student Performance and Results like at our Sixth Form College in London?

Overall student performance compares favorably to national benchmarks and National Qualification Framework (NQF)

Our initial assessment is rigorous and highly effective in placing students in appropriate classes so they make good progress from the beginning of their and also in generating effective individual learning programmes (ILP) by which individual students can be successfully tracked. Students are given useful support when needed. All parents are kept very well informed through regular and detailed academic reports throughout the academic year.

What Quality of Curriculum can I expect at the Sixth Form College?

Our sixth form college in London maintains a good-to-excellent quality of the curriculum, teaching, and learners’ achievements. The educational purpose of our private sixth form college is clearly stated and effectively supported by well focused schemes of work and lesson plans that are used well to ensure that these lead to a good learning experience for students.

Our IGCSE Course and A level Course provisions are good and appropriate to all students. Consequently, all our students learn well and make good progress throughout their academic years at London Brookes College. Our IGCSE courses and A level courses on offer to Tier 4 visa students meet all the definitions of an approved qualification, as set out in the Home Office guidance.

What Quality of Teaching and Learners’ achievements can I expect at the Sixth Form College?

The quality of teaching at our private college is good-to-excellent and enables all students to progress well. All our classes are well planned and teachers are very well qualified and experienced in their subject areas.

We do assessments of students work regularly and on a timely basis and use our technology system to track student progress across all subject areas that helps us successfully identify areas for improvement. External examination results are compared and trends tracked. Students’ progress on their individual learning programmes (ILP) is tracked weekly and patterns identified across subjects. Both students and parents appreciate how well they are informed of progress made and helps showcase how our attainment compares favourably with external benchmarks. We electronically track examination results, test grades and homework grades to help ensure that students’ achievement goes beyond the minimum target grades.

London Brookes College offers students and staff the use various learning management systems (projectors, computer laps etc) to support their learning. Students appreciate the usefulness in gathering appropriate resources.

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